Design Audit & Expert Witness

We have a proven ability in carrying out design audits - our ability to tell a client what they need to know, not what they’d like to hear, is both recognised and appreciated.

Services: Design Expert, Expert Witness

Location: UK

Date: 2011 - Present

Client: SFGE Properties

Deliverables: Design Audits, Evidence

Design Audits

We carry out design audits for projects at all stages, from due diligence pre-purchase, through to having failed to achieve planning permission. Using recognised methodologies we provide accurate and specific advice.

Often our advice leads to scheme change. By way of example, the Richborough Estates scheme that found itself in the Supreme Court, was varied by us (via Wheatcroft post planning and pre appeal) to reduce the extent of development and avoid harm to a Green Gap – a key factor in the scheme’s success as recognised in the appeal decision. Another example at Kingsbridge, Devon amended a scheme that was refused planning permission due to it harming the adjacent AONB. A flawed legal process allowed the scheme to be re-determined and we explored and modelled a variety of built form options, tested these ‘live’ on-site with the LPA using Augmented Reality, and a revised scheme was duly permitted avoiding the need for an appeal.

We don’t make change for changes sake; where we identify a successful design that has been refused through mis-interpretation, we use our design advocacy skills to support it. For example, the architectural brilliance of Matthew Grzywinski of Grzywinski+Pons was so starkly evident for their Buckle Street Tall Building, that defending its qualities needed nothing other that a robust and honest explanation of its virtues, which was recognised in the appeal decision.

Expert Witness

Whilst we always seek to achieve success through collaboration and consultation, planning appeals are often necessary.  We have a long history of talking straight and calmly, whilst defending our judgments under the most strenuous of cross-examination. Our reputation in this area of work is recognised through our being recommended by, and repeat work with, a wide range of the UKs top solicitors and most of the top 10 UK planning KCs.