Langleybury Film Hub achieves Building with Nature Award
We are thrilled to announce that Langleybury Film Hub has been accredited with a Building with Nature Design Award, which is an evidence-based award that is used to recognise a project's commitment to delivering high-quality Green Infrastructure when at an early stage of design.
Working as a key part of the project team, Define prepared a Green Infrastructure Strategy for the project which recognised the 12 Building with Nature Standards and maximised the quality and multi-functionality of the Green Infrastructure throughout the site.
The award recognises the importance of Green Infrastructure in the design proposals, which can be identified in all aspects of the scheme, and will help to demonstrate the benefits that will be brought by the application in the ongoing planning process.
We are proud to have two Building with Nature accredited assessors in the team at Define and are passionate about how our Building with Nature approach can add value to projects, both now and for future generations.
Congratulations to all involved!
Client: Ralph Trustees Limited
Project team:
Architecture: IF_DO
Flood Risk and Drainage - Expedition
Ecology (All other aspects including surveys) and Building with Nature Assessor - Nicholsons Lockhart Garratt
Above Ground Heritage - Donald Insall Associates
Landscape Strategy, Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy & LVIA - Define
Arboriculture - FLAC
Energy & Sustainability / Utilities & MEP - Anderson Green
Planning Consultants, EIA, Heath impact Assessment, Below Ground Heritage & Socio-Economic Impact - Lichfields
Transport - Caneparo
Air Quality, Waste, Noise, Climate Change Resilience, Agricultural Land Classification Assessment, Desk Based Ground Conditions (Including Minerals Assessment) - Wardell Armstrong
Lighting - Strenger
Ecology (Bats) - RSK
(CGIs: Secchi Smith)