Lucas Hughes
Head of Research
Lucas is a qualified Urban Designer, Landscape Architect and academic, with an extensive background in both private sector practice and higher education course management as well as research. As a designer, he has expertise gained from working through a variety of scales, from strategic regional framework, to detailed design, both in the UK and international contexts.
He works in the areas of Urban Design, Landscape Architecture and Architecture at Birmingham City University. He is currently awaiting the Viva for his practice aligned PhD, looking into the potential role that the spatial communication of Augmented and Virtual Reality might increasingly play within collaborative and participatory practice.
Research Writing, Design & Evaluation
Strategic, masterplanning & conceptual design
Site & social analysis
Construction & Planting design
Design documentation for planning applications (DAS, Coding)
Hand drawn & computer graphics - 2D & 3D, AR/VR
Stakeholder & Public Participation
Teaching, Development & Management in Higher Education