Ebbsfleet Garden Community
Services: Masterplanning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design
Location: Ebbsfleet Garden City, Kent
Date: 2017 - present
Client: Camland Developments
Deliverables: Masterplanning, Landscape Design, Visioning, Design Coding
Alkerden is the beating heart of Whitecliffe; a place where impressive civic facilities, including the Alkerden Academy, are the focus for the neighbourhood’s community whilst also being the location for 1,500 striking contemporary homes, high quality neighbourhood parks and spaces and the Major Urban Park - a continuous linear sequence of varying and distinct open spaces connected as one expansive park.
The narrative for Alkerden is forward-thinking, it seeks to accommodate emerging trends and takes inspiration from proven current best practices. The design approach for Alkerden is focussed on creating a healthy and stimulating outwardly-contemporary place to live, learn and grow; it is about catering for who we are and how we live, today and in the future.
Define produced the Design Code for Alkerden which is now being used to develop detailed proposals that are being delivered at the site. Our approach stays true to ensuring delivering the ambitions for Alkerden as part of the wider Ebbsfleet Garden City and as the setting for healthy and enriched everyday lives.
Character is an important consideration of the Design Code. We worked hard with those that matter including local residents and Ebbsfleet Development Corporation to establish what elements of character were important and the most appropriate means to address the overall narrative. In certain locations within Alkerden, local cultural heritage is applicable to assist in guiding development decisions (e.g. materials and building forms); in other instances, a bold, direct and deliberate endeavour to make 21 Century design decisions is taken.
Project Team
Andy Williams
Joe Gerrard
Alex Agnew
Wes Sedman
Ana Maria Monsalve