Urban Design
Making distinct places with a clear and focused ambition.
Successful places have a rich tapestry of spatial, physical and emotive qualities and we believe that can only be created through a clear vision and an inclusive approach.
An understanding of the essence of a place is essential. Whether it be a rich landscape, historic town or gritty neighbourhood, every place has a history and form that is unique. We seek inspiration from within in order to enrich change, whilst shaping the form of buildings, streets and spaces to create a cohesive place that positively effects the health and well-being of the community.
Our approach is relevant whether we’re shaping a new garden city, enabling urban regeneration, or guiding incisive interventions in the urban form as it recognises that people and places are part of a much wider ecosystem.
Critically, we understand all placemaking decisions need to be sensitive to how the environment will accommodate change whilst successfully supporting the needs of our changing society.
Urban Design is the art of making places. It shapes the physical form of streets, spaces and buildings, but perhaps more importantly it directly influences the lives of its inhabitants. It is by its nature complex, multi-disciplinary and collaborative. Successful places have a rich tapestry of spatial, physical and emotive qualities and can only be created through a clear vision and a positive, inclusive approach, which for us involves:
Carrying out a rigorous analysis of place and function. This typically includes assessing a location’s history and evolution, topography, hydrology, townscape or landscape character (often through Lynchian analysis), movement, land-uses and destinations.
Researching current and future lifestyle patterns, low carbon solutions and health and wellbeing to understand how future users of proposed change can function to their optimum, with minimal environmental effects.
Establishing a clear vision, exploring innovative concepts and developing these ideas through teamwork into robust and deliverable options.
Engaging and collaborating with team members and stakeholders.
Communicating and illustrating our design work in an enticing way.
Robustly and persuasively advocating positive urban design outcomes and delivering these through detailed design and implementation.
Townscape assessment and analysis
Capacity / feasibility studies
Stakeholder consultation
Strategic urban design advice and frameworks
Urban design advocacy
Design codes and guides
Expert witness / planning appeals and audits
Outline and full planning application material – Design and Access Statements / Parameter Plans / Scheme Proposals
Other Services
Defining an inspired vision of the future.
We believe that landscape architecture is both an art and a language.
Making distinct places with a clear and focused ambition.
Creating and shaping spaces that inspire and endure.