Mucklow Park
Regenerating industrial land and creating employment opportunity to support the comprehensive regeneration of Tyseley.
Services: Planning, Masterplanning
Location: Tyseley, Birmingham
Date: 2014 to present
Client: A & J Mucklow / London Metric
Deliverables: Masterplan, Design & Access Statement, Planning Statement , Stakeholder Engagement, Full Planning Applications
Tyseley has historically provided a compact mix of industrial factories and workshops that sit side by side with the homes, schools, places of worship and neighbourhood shops to support its workers. With the closure of many industries and associated loss of employment, the City Council saw a need for the comprehensive regeneration of the area to provide new homes and places of work, alongside an opportunity to improve access and connectivity to secure that by investing in the construction of the new ‘Battery Way’ link road.
A key lever for regeneration was the preparation of a Development Framework and detailed public realm design for the redevelopment of former industrial sites. This proposed to address an increasing pressure to provide more homes within the City and the community facilities that would be needed to support those, with an emphasis on attracting new employment to the area.
Mucklow Park has delivered that opportunity. Sat within an existing neighbourhood of homes, allotments, parks, schools and places of worship, the industrial park sits alongside Battery Way, benefitting from the improved access that now provides, providing new warehouse and distribution facilities that will accommodate a wide variety of businesses.
Following the completion of the first two phases of development, planning permission was granted for a third phase of development in October 2020 that will reinstate a mix of employment uses across this former battery factory site.

Project Team
Andy Williams
Mark Rose
Kirstie Clifton
Sam Perkins