Stafford Road
Taking an opportunity to facilitate early delivery.
Services: Planning, Masterplanning
Location: Penkridge, Staffordshire
Date: 2016 - present
Client: Bloor Homes
Deliverables: Development Plan Representation, Masterplan, Design & Access Statement, LVIA
The Opportunity
A critical review of the spatial strategy and housing land supply trajectory identified an opportunity to seek planning permission for the development of a significant extension to this recognised sustainable settlement ahead of a review of the Local Plan.
The Application & Appeal
The comprehensive planning application was underpinned by a carefully considered Masterplan where a landscape-led approach to place making provides multi-functional green spaces at the heart of a cohesive scheme for the development of 200 dwellings. The new homes would be closely integrated with the existing urban form and particularly with the nearby settlement centre.
Whilst planning permission was initially refused, we presented planning and landscape evidence to a public inquiry that highlighted the demonstrable need for market and affordable housing provision in the absence of a five year housing land supply and the clear merits of the site as a sustainable location for growth. The appeal was allowed and the development is now progressing quickly on site.
Future Expansion
In the context of the Local Plan Review that has now started, we have presented a Vision for further growth in this locality, that demonstrates both the deliverability and capacity of a comprehensive development, set within a robust green infrastructure framework, that will support the sustainability of the settlement and address local housing needs in the longer term.
Project Team
Andy Williams
Mark Rose
Mike Fenton
Sam Perkins