Station Road

A masterplan to unlock the site’s true potential.

Services: Planning & Masterplanning

Location: Market Bosworth, Leicestershire

Date: 2019-2021

Client: Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council

Deliverables: Masterplan & Supplementary Planning Document

An unrealised opportunity

Land to the south of Station Road has long been identified for residential and commercial development in both the Borough Council’s Local Plan and the town’s Neighbourhood Plan.  The site offers a fantastic opportunity to realise a high quality development that provides much needed market and affordable housing and employment premises to meet the needs of the local community.

Its delivery has, however, been delayed as a result of uncertainties in relation to the complex land ownership pattern, its development capacity, and the ability to secure an appropriate access to serve both the occupiers of the existing industrial premises and the new development.

The solution

The Masterplan seeks to facilitate the site’s development in order to realise its true potential. The design response directly addresses the acute constraints in order to manage risks in the development process, confirm the site’s capacity to accommodate the key development ingredients and, critically, robustly demonstrate how it can now be delivered.

The Masterplan is presented in a Supplementary Planning Document, that has now been adopted by the Borough Council.  It presents a vision for the development of an attractive and sustainable new neighbourhood that reflects the aspirations of key stakeholders and the local community alike, alongside a clear strategy for its delivery.

Project Team

  • Mark Rose


  • Mike Fenton


  • Sam Perkins